Mongolia’s Danshig Naadam and Tsam Performance in AugustGEOTOURISM MONGOLIA2022-05-01T10:01:23+00:00
Mongolia’s Danshig Naadam and Tsam Performance in August
Danshig Naadam-Khuree Tsam in August 2020: The Danshig Naadam is a religious and cultural festival that is hold during the month of August in Ulaanbaatar City. The Gandantegchinlen Monastery and The Ulaanbaatar City Tourism Office organizes the festival. In 2020, this will be the 6th year of the festival and a variety of events will be available free of charge for visitors. The festival will feature events including tsam performance, ritual ceremony of worshipping the God Ochirvaani (Vajrapani) and a wrestling tournament.
The first Danshig Naadam was held in 1639 to celebrate the enthronement of High Saint Zanabazar as the first Bogd Jebtsundamba Khutuktu and the spiritual leader of Mongolian people; this is one of Mongolia’s major religious and cultural events.