Mongolia Tours | GER to GER Mongolia - Experience Mongolia's Nomadic Lifestyles

MongoliaN Community Based Tourism (CBT) 

TRULY Benefiting Locals

Authored between 2002-04 and launched in 2005, GER to GER is “THE WORLD’s FIRST” Mongolian Community Based Tourism initiative (social enterprise) to work sustainably with nomadic families across Mongolia for over 15+ years.

Benefits of GER to GER’s Nomadic Lifestyles Endeavors for locals via UN SDGS

The BEST part of our community-based operations is that up-to-80% of funds generated via our Nomadic Lifestyle Adventures goes directly to the participating nomadic families and rural community members – indeed we are actively spearheading the United Nations MDGs/SDGs for better Sustainable Livelihoods, Nature and Environmental Conservation. GER to GER’s Nomadic Lifestyle Adventures allows nomadic families and locals (direct stakeholders) to 100% rurally operate and manage their own Community based tourism, by themselves.

OUR FREE CHECKLIST GUIDE “what to do and what not to do” IS NOW AVAILABLE! 

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what will $100 US Dollars buy you in Mongolia
and how will it benefit the locals?

GER to GER’s “Live Like a Local” via
Community Based Nomadic Trails


15+ years of benefiting locals with up to 80% of Trips’ Costs + paying for all Nomadic Families’ Social Insurances, marketing works, etc.; $100 maximized towards locals.

  • 2 Days/1 Night
  • Training Workshop (History, Culture, DOs/DONTs, Language, etc.)
  • Office Emergency Support 
  • Local Bus
  • 5 Meals (B,L,D,B,L)
  • Between meal’s Nomadic Snacks
  • Unlimited Hot Milk Tea
  • Unlimited Hot Water
  • Your own Ger
  • Your own bed
  • Nomadic Guide
  • Nomadic Transportation; ox or horse
  • Great trekking routes
  • Fantastic landscapes
  • Great outdoors
  • Etc.!


Note: This “approximation” chart of what you could buy with only $100 USD is being provided to show the reality of travel in Mongolia and abroad (prices may vary up/down depending on additional factors). As for Berlin/EU, the amount one may obtain for $100 USD is limited to cheap accommodations for 1 day and maybe with some food (breakfast)… HOWEVER, GER to GER’s LIVE LIKE A LOCAL EXPERIENCES include everything (food, drinks, guides, culture, etc.) not for 1 day but for 2 days!

Kindly note that “Live Like a Local” programs are our nomadic Geotourism/Humanitarian Works (very basic services/facilities)  – Live Like a Local Nomadic Experiences are not to be confused with GER to GER’s Fully Packaged Trips (mid-high end services/facilities).



“he wasn’t able to walk normally, couldn’t mount a horse by himself and always required someone’s assistance while herding animals, etc…”




GER to GER 100% financed both Hashuu’s surgery and recovery via its FIRST revenues that the organization generated – as this was his ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’.

IN A COUNTRY WHERE ‘YOUR HEALTH’ MEANS YOUR SURVIVAL’, we at GER to GER knew the importance and took action to assist via our own personal finances.

GER to GER GEOtourism Mongolia

Expectations, Reality and Getting the Most from your community based tourism experiences across Mongolia

Written by Mr. Zanjan Fromer of Mongolia – NATGEO Geotourism Ambassador

Here’s my humble opinion based upon decades of living and working among Mongols across Mongolia since 1994.


1. Traveling with Nomadic Families via Community Based Tourism “Living Like a Local” (GER to GER’s Humanitarian Works)

Straight to the point, Mongolia is an exceptional travel destination rich in lifestyles, geographic terrains and incredibly important contributions towards human history that requires “learning”, yes “learning”. Those that are experienced outback travelers (Alaskan bush, Australian outback, etc.) automatically, though only partially, qualify you to travel rurally with nomadic families – you will still require some training… take the aforementioned skills/experiences coupled with firsthand knowledge of working, traveling and living with remote cultures (expect the unexpected, compassion, allow for locals to change-up plans, go with the flow, etc.) is what is 100% necessary to have an incredibly authentic “Mongolian Experience”. Reason – it’s indeed who the Mongols are: Mongols are flexible with time/experiences, they love to modify plans on the go, they often wait till the last moment to get stuff done, they’re hospitable, they take care of one another as a tribe, they don’t expect anyone to have expectations, they assume all travelers are like them – easy going, not judgmental, cooperatively overcoming challenges together, not overly demanding, able to take it easy without tons of entertainment to distract them, can calmly sip tea and chat for hours or just sit and enjoy the family environ, never really looking at their watches or staring at their iPhones, etc. Yes, traveling Mongolia is a complete break from our western/European lives of expectations, demands, standards, punctuality, etc. This sort of travel with nomadic families and its incredible cultural adventures, remote geographic terrains and “lifestyle learning by living it” should never be confused with GER to GER Packaged Trips that are more about “entertainment travel”, punctuality, following the itinerary, etc.

2. Traveling Mongolia via GER to GER Packaged Trips (Tours)

If the aforementioned makes you nervous as you are really accustomed to ‘western-European’ standards of travel and you have tons of expectations that must be fulfilled (punctuality, activities, entertainment, distances, etc.)… then going on a “Packaged Trip” is the best thing to do when in Mongolia. Keep in mind that you pay for what you get and so do the locals… What does that mean? If an itinerary is super cheap, many days, covering incredible distances then most likely that operator isn’t “ethical” and people are not getting paid fairly, etc. It’s difficult to tell you exactly how to judge a company or itinerary and whether or not you are purchasing a “tourism sweat shop product” or not – however – I will give this sound advice. Ethical Packaged Trips in Mongolia will not be cheap, they will be fairly priced – the more expensive often means better vehicles, better guides, better camps, better food, and hopefully people are being paid fairly well too. Packaged Trips that are being sold exceptionally cheap require a little bit of research – how many days?, what’s included?, what level of services are being provided?, what accommodations are you using?, etc. Reason being – if you book a trekking trip and you are camping all the time without vehicle/animal support then that will be definitively cheaper than standard overland packaged trips (vehicles, fuel, camps, entertainment, etc.). Now keep in mind that Mongols love putting on a good show of hospitality – so when you are tired and exhausted – always be kind to your local Mongols as they are raised from childhood to always be of assistance until they physically are unable too. Yes, everyone gets weak, sick and tired on longer expeditions (clients, guides, drivers, etc.), hence, traveling in Mongolia you must travel with a “team mentality” and not too touristic like with high demands and expectations “everyone SERVE me”; remember, you are out there in remote locations and that’s just the reality so “take care” of each other. Being a good human in Mongolia will take you far and guarantees a successful experience regardless of the challenges – in most cases – Mongols will definitely treat you better than you expect when you show them some kindness.

GER to GER Conclusions

Mongolia isn’t like other parts of Asia, USA nor Europe – it does require some knowledge and the willingness to learn flexibly on the go (don’t challenge people’s knowledge, etc., like as if you were on a western-European trip testing the quality of your guide, etc… these are locals who are “currently” in development and are indeed trying). I will definitively state that you will at times be required to be understanding as not everything will go as planned and that’s the beauty of ole style expeditions in developing countries – you expect the unexpected and go with the flow – and often it’s rewarding with very unique memories that will stay with you for years as it’s not the same as your “standard” trip nor vacation to Hawaii and/or across the EU… I highly encourage everyone to tone down your expectations, don’t be overly punctual/measure distances, but rather enjoy this rare moment in history – soon enough Mongolia will end up like every other destination on planet earth that’s been destroyed by the tourism industry with the same boring format of tourism that everyone “expects”. That will be a sad day as Mongolia’s uniqueness to the global tourism industry is indeed its raw flavor of ole styled, locally adapted, genuine travel experiences and more – our learning “how to unlearn” – which is not at all common within our western/European sanitized approaches will be lost forever. Mongolia gives you the right amount of “mystery” which is the essence of “unlearning our standards” regardless if you choose to travel with nomadic families via community based tourism and/or fully packaged trips with tour operators (keep in mind that generally what people think is Mongolia’s weakness is its incredible strength as it’s ole styled expeditions something not readily available around the world – EU, USA, etc.). Mongols have a saying “Ezen Hecheevel, Zaya Hecheen” translation “If the Master tries, Destiney shall try” – Mongols will definitely try and at times they will succeed and at other times we must meet them halfway and go with the flow; you will quickly see how the Mongols will start praising you as a “Good Guest”.

Community Based Tourism in Mongolia

Random Shots of GER to GER Endeavors to develop Mongolian Community Tourism