Ulaanbaatar City Tours – Sukhbaatar Square
Ulaanbaatar City Tours, Homestays & City Travel Information – Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar City’s Sukhbaatar Square, located right at the center of Ulaanbaatar City and is the main location of Mongolia’s national ceremonies and celebrations for the public. Ulaanbaatar’s main square was built for General Sukhbaatar after he passed in 1923 – the exact location where his returning troops celebrated victory after defeating the Chinese at Khiagt. Since then, Ulaanbaatar’s main square is now adorned with the General’s statue build in 1946 in time for the 25th anniversary of the national revolution. The four-meter-tall statue of the general sits atop an eight-meter high base, with fourteen lions holding thick chains together, surrounding it, symbolizing the sanctity of Mongolia. The statue was renewed with a bronze replacement in 2011 for the 90th anniversary of the national revolution. The statue also has a plaque with the General’s quote saying that it’s in our hearts to unite and reach places that man has never reached before.

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Ulaanbaatar City Tours, Homestays and Sightseeing Attractions
Ulaanbaatar City is the capital of Mongolia. Geographically, Ulaanbaatar city sits on the banks of River Tuul and in a valley between four mountains. According to the 2016 consensus, Ulaanbaatar City has 9 districts spread over 470,000 acres of land and 1,440,447 people, with 67 percent being under the age of 35.
Ulaanbaatar City originated in 1639 as a ger palace gifted to Zanabazar, when he was proclaimed as the First Bogd Khan. Following the nomadic ways, the city moved throughout the country 28 times before it grew too big to move in 1855 and settled in its current location. In the early days of Ulaanbaatar City’s history, it served as the political and religious center for Mongolia.
By the 19th century, the once palace had turned into a proper city with religion, government, politics and trade with a population of twenty-thousand people. In 1924, the modern foundation of Ulaanbaatar City was divided into 13 districts, 4 of which were revamped into new districts in 1965, 5 were abolished and the youngest district was instated in 1992 when Ulaanbaatar City was declared the capital of Mongolia once again.